How the hell cant i tell u this, and then what..

Yeah i know i havent written anything in a while, but thats cuz i have a life u know...
Anyway so i was out a couple of days ago with a friend at harrys on stortorget and it was packed with FINE ASS BITCHES.
So im standing there at the bar and i girl and her friend come up at stand next to me (both fine :D, for once). I start talking to one of them and the other one just jumped in to our conversation bout car (imagine that, bitches talking bout cars, i was ready to marrye them).
I buy both of them drinks cuz im overwhelmed bout the car thing, one thing leads to an other, and belive it or not but i take them home.
It was a hot, sweaty and sexy night of........wait for it.......wait for it....sleep.
I still cant belive this shit, i wipped out my peep as soon as they took there shoes of.
And when i woke up in the morning one of them had left and the other one had ruind my bathroom cuz she puked all over it.

So should i call them???..and then what.

U know how long i had to look just to find two hot girls and a car shiiitt...

Postat av: y do u care...

Call them hoes

2010-03-04 @ 12:13:32
Postat av: And then what...

it bitches dude

2010-03-04 @ 12:31:16

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